The Buffardello in Camporgiano
Across the area Buffardello is best known as a wind vortex, which disrupt the hay and leaves, and sometimes may even come into the house.
Is also known as the author of jokes to people and pets, and can ride a horse at night, in the village streets (Roccalberti), place his hand pierced on the mouth of a dormant (Vitoio), steal or disrupt laundry may also cause the evil eye, especially to children, through their clothes hung to dry.

A woman of 91 years of Roccalberti, says that he saw, sitting on a pile of hay: "It was like a statue, all in one piece, like a child, dressed in red, also with a red cap without beard".

To prevent him from entering the house, you should support the input port from the inside, a broom, the handle should touch the ground (Filicaia).

Do not know the Linchetto.