The plan of the fig
Small tree of 10 meters from the branches can be robust, branched from the base, have trend shrubs. Bark gray and smooth.
The leaves, deciduous, 10-20 cm are large, deeply lobed at base 3-5 cordata, rough on the page top and hairy on the bottom, with margin irregularly toothed and base truncated, or forms of heart, the young branches, if broken leave out a milky juice (latex). The inflorescence of the fig tree (SICON) and the stages from flowering to fruiting are very special and deserve a few words more.
The fig is not a true fruit, but a repository, the true fruits are the many "seeds" contained within it.
Each year, three successive generations of figs in the spring receptacles contain female flowers and sterile male flowers producing pollen in fertile female flowers summer and autumn flowers completely sterile. The pollination and fertilization are possible only thanks to the insect Blastophaga psenes, that achieves symbiosis with a fig tree: the insect, complete, in fact, the its development cycle in SICON, with two or three generations annually.

Spread throughout Europe around the Mediterranean and south western Asia, the fig is without a doubt plants common throughout the Italian territory. Species very frugal, is present in particularly ungrateful, especially stony: it is not difficult to see him get a few cracks from the old wall, provided warm and sheltered.

The fig tree, with its domestic varieties, is undoubtedly one of the plants from the most remote antiquity are especially appreciated by the fruits.

As the olive and the vine, was the focus of religious rituals and beliefs, from the Egyptians to the Greeks and the Romans.