The legend of Vagli's Lake
The ancient village of Fabbriche di Careggine now rests at the bottom of the lake Vagli; few houses covered with mud nestled around a church with its bell tower. Today it is inhabited by fish, but in the past was an industrious village of artisans and merchants. It was crossed by the ancient Via Vandelli, who joined the side of the Garfagnana with that of the Versilia and the stone bridge of the river Edron, often put the postal rested before tackling the strenuous climb that run along the flanks marble of the mount Tambura.

At that time the village had a voice: The bells. They were the voice of all, expressing the joy, the celebration, the danger, the duty, the pain and the last farewell to some friends who went. And to think that the service rendered to our fathers! Two beautiful bronze bells of informing people, night and day, of what had happened or was about to happen. When playing a dispersed, the men came out from their homes with the lantern to look for those who were lost in the storm of snow or dark in the forest when a fire sounded, men, women and elderly people out of the house with a bucket and in haste, at the source, to extinguish the fire. Sometimes, when the snow was abundant and prevented to walk the streets of the village, the bells sounded to call the men with their shovels to clean the streets. Even when it was dark on top of Tambura, and understand that a hail storm and, soon, would have brought harm, it sounded the bells to be able to magically transform grains of hail, damaging the crop, in small drops of water and to prevent hail ruining crops, put himself out of the Holy Crucifix in a way that, when you were wet, the rain would stop. Finally, the bell sounded for the days required, when for three days in a year, each man had to work without any compensation to the community, putting in place the pavements, making maintenance work in buildings or the church.

Teodora, a woman very beautiful and evil, lived with her husband Anselmo, her senior, in a house on the fringes of the village of Fabbriche, now submerged. The woman was looked upon with suspicion, because he used to stay out after sunset, walking alone in the woods, and there was also someone who had seen her make strange things in his underground cellar. Everyone thought that the woman was a witch and when they saw pass in front of their homes, many people made the sign of the cross and chestnut.

Anselmo went out one afternoon to make firewood in the forest. It was December 13th and the night fell quickly erasing everything. From Tambura and SUUumbra rolled down a cold wind that dragged with them a myriad of goblins and elves who spread the ice on trees, roads, rocks, streams and homes. Anselmo hasten home, with its load of wood, slipped along the trail and could not get up. No one rescued and died frostbite.

Teodora was not concerned about the delay of her husband, had not warned the bell-ringer, and the bell remained silent in the night cold. Profiting from the absence of her husband, had spent the whole night around the suspect's affairs. But the next day, around noon, we decided to give to the poor Anselmo dispersed, saying that he was left home early in the morning to go into the forest and wood was not returned. It pretended worried and desperate and is now recommended that someone goes to look for him. Bells played a dispersed and a group of men scattered into the woods around the village. They found him lying next to a source in the forest, lying on his load of wood with a broken leg. The men realized that the man had died in the night before and they suspected that his wife had intentionally not given the alarm. No one could blame, but slowly, over time, Teodora was avoid more and more, by the people of the country. The woman alone spent his days and ended up not leaving the most from his small house that had two "ciglieri" (Cigliere: the room where the farmer is off the dirty boots of mud and placed his instruments, before entering the house ) that is, two underground cellars, where Theodora passed his time, now forgotten by the people.

Meanwhile in the village of Fabbriche were beginning the work to close the valley of the river Edron, dark and impenetrable, and near the village, was built a large dam that, barring the impetuous waters of the stream, would create a new artificial lake. In the village there was a lot of talk that in the short time should have been driven from homes and go and live elsewhere. There was disbelief and sadness in the village, the bells sounded almost no more. People are prepared to go away and the best arranged to transport furniture and other goods from relatives or in other houses. Teodora was informed that his house will soon be invaded by the water, but you do not want us to believe. No one would have to leave the house, she thought that people only wanted to frighten him and make a mockery of her. So one day the water got really and forwarded anywhere. Teodora tried to escape from the underground cellar, but it was not possible. He remained a prisoner of water and mud. All said that this was his rightful sentence.

Many years after that day, when the lake was emptied for the first time, some men went to look for the corpse of poor Teodora. Dug in the mud, but could not find even a bone of a woman and none of the magic items that belonged. Some among them thought that in fact the woman had, somehow, managed to flee. The fact remains a mystery, yet there are those who have heard, in the nights of Thirteen of every month, the bells ring at scattered. It is said that the ghost of Teodora, forced by the devil, playing until the morning to pay for his sins and, in particular, that of not having played the night that her poor husband died in the woods.