The legend of Saint Pellegrino, The Devil and the Mount Forato
Monte Forato, view on the top
St. Pilgrim was living on the Appennine, opposite the Apuan Alps. He was homeless, since he lived in a tree hollow trunk. He was jobles, since he needed just some water to drink and a few greens and roots to eat. He used to pray and do penance all day long.

The Devil, annoyed with his presence, got furious anytime the Saint praised God or told his beads. However, what made him really angry, was the fact that Pilgrim used to make big beach-crosses that he then put up here and there on the mountain. THe Devil's will was to chase Pilgrim from that spot. At first, he tried and frightened him. So he turned into a terrible dragon endowed with slimy scales and red-hot nostrils.

The Saint didn't even stir at the sight of such a wonderful creature. The the Devil tried and tempted Pilgrim. So he turned into a cahrming, blond, well-rounded girl. The Saint didn't even stir at the sight of a wonderfull creature. At that point, the Devil lost his temper and decided to present himself as he really was: awesome and terrible.

Monte Forato
As soon as he got in front of Pilgrim, the Devil slapped his face so hard, thet poor Pilgrim spun thrice around before falling knocked out to the ground. The Lord of Hell laughed overbearing for the satisfaction of having given a lesson to the poor hermit. At long last - thought the Devil - he would have stopped ti put up his crosses and to mumble his prayers. Pilgrim got up with difficulty and, even thought he was delicate and defenceless, with all the strength he had, he returned the Devil the slap he had received.

It was so hard, that the Devil was thrown over the Serchio Valley and hit his head against the Mount Pania. However, not even the mountains could stop him. The terrible creature ended up into the sea, between Viareggio and the Versilia. In the very spot the Devil passed throught, there is a mountain belonging to the Apuan Alps which now has a big hole on its peak. That's how the slap given to the Devil by St. Pilgrim originated the Mount Forato.